Of late example sentences

But it has of late considerably speeded up its process of integrating with the world economy and increasing its foreign trade and investments (see Box A: India Embarks on the Path to Globalisation).The most conspicuous change relates to emergence of software exports which of late have to account for about 49 per cent of India's total services exports.Though it is one of the important textile cities in the country, of late, the cotton textile industry of Osaka has been replaced by other industries, such as iron and steel, machinery, shipbuilding, automobiles, electrical equipment and cement.Each district and block can be made self sufficient in foodgrain production if government provides proper agricultural infrastructure, credit linkages and also encourages the use of latest techniques.Removal of shoot tips (decapitation) usually results in the growth of lateral buds.They also had market streets called hatta (haat of later times) lined with shops.But of late, the scope of international business has substantially expanded.They usually had a mandapika (or mandi of later times) to which nearby villagers brought their produce to sell.They are unable to compete with the showy goods which Manchester sends in such profusion, and they have of late years emigrated in great numbers, chiefly to Berar, where as day labourers they are able to obtain wages …' Census Report of Central Provinces, 1872, quoted in Sumit Guha, 'The handloom industry in Central India, 1825-1950', The Indian Economic and Social History Review.This type of retail store is, of late, becoming very popular, particularly in urban areas.

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